Thursday, March 6, 2008

Shoot 'Em Up

This was somewhat entertaining, though it certainly felt more like satire than an actual action flick. I like Paul Giamatti and he was good here as a terrible bad guy. Clive Owen was also good as a terrible good guy. This was all about guns and violence. Ridiculous things: a carrot was a murder weapon more than once, Owen participated in major gun battles while delivering a baby, having sex, and the standard dropping down the middle of a stairwell, he used a gun to cut the umbilical cord in the aforementioned delivery, he used a gun to make a merry go round turn so that the target on the merry go round would not be so easy a target for Giamatti, etc. Not much funny, not much actual story, mostly just gun battle after gun battle after gun battle. I'm glad I saw it. I won't need to see it again.

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