Thursday, December 13, 2007

August Rush

This was advertised as a very schlocky movie and it came through, very schlocky. It was quite a major league cast, Robin Williams, Keri Russell, Johnathan Rhys Meier, Terrence Howard, Mykelti Williamson and Freddie Highmore. I am not a big fan of Highmore, although I liked Finding Neverland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This role was a difficult one, it asked him to do a lot, hear music noone else could hear, exude joy, but I did not like his performance. Particularly his weird smile. Not a fan. The music was enticing, I enjoyed listening to it. One note sounded false, though, taking an elementary theory book and usign it to learn how to write all manner of musical expressions. Having recently been aroun numerous elementary theory books, there were a lot of symbols that were clearly not available. (I have no problem accepting that he was a musical savant and the first time he touches a guitar can play it and play it well, or the first time he puts music on paper it is a completely orchestrated symphony, but knowing eighth rests from an elementary theory book? I think not!) I thought Rhys Meiers was good, I thought Robin Williams was decent. I liked some of the ideas that were brought up, though I don't like some of the conclusions reached. Music is in your soul. There are wild people who can help you come to terms with it and appreciate it. But in order to truly "do" it, you must go to the academic body and learn the "proper" structures. I don't know if I buy that. Not to mention a whole lot of hokum. But, it was OK. And, I liked the music.

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