Monday, December 17, 2007

Fred Claus

I enjoyed this movie, though I don't think it was particularly good. It was sort of a Vince Vaughn vehicle, which is fine, cause I like Vince Vaughn and he was funny. There were also some good supporting cast moments, with Ludacris, Paul Giamatti, and the little kid. Kevin Spacey was great. I really thought he showed out. I also like one central tenet of the movie, that generosity should not be based on the performance of the individual, but should come no matter what. Get rid of the naughty or nice list, receive a gift no matter what. I like that sentiment and it's parallels with mercy, rights, dignity, freedom. I can treat you well whether you deserve it or not. A good thing to think about when we talk about throwing people in Guantanamo and throwing away the key. So, a decent movie, but nothing spectacular. And if you don't like Vince Vaughn, maybe not even decent. Though Kevin Spacey really did a good job.

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