Thursday, December 6, 2007

Beowulf 3D

OK, I was looking at this movie, the time I wanted to go see it just happened to be a 3D version, so, fine, I'll try that. I go to buy my ticket and it turns out it costs more, well, that's lame, but, I'm here, I'll check it out. Then I walk in and the guy asks if I have my glasses yet. Great, I am gonna be wearing ridiculously lame 3D glasses and this is gonna be ridiculously stupid. Well, I was wrong. The glasses were plastic and fit over my glasses, not the lame paper ones. They did not make everything look blue and red, like every other pair of 3d glasses I have worn, and there effect on the movie and the 3D trailers was stunning. I actually did jump when a particular flashlight looked light it was about to fall on me. Visually amazing. I highly reccomend checking it out sometime if you haven't seen Digital 3D. As for the movie, it was pretty good. I had gotten a refresher on the story from Dad prior to going to see it and it adhered to the story quite well. I would like to go back and check it out. IT is pretty straight-line, but the action was exciting. Though animated, it is certainly not child-friendly, with lots of suggestive material. But, it was a fun thing. And Digital 3D rocks.

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